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Bringing healing into every home

Welcome to Photizo® Light Therapy

Photon Therapy Systems was founded in 2005 and is a South African company focused on providing leading-edge light therapy solutions to healthcare professionals and end users.


Treatment of pain, musculoskeletal injuries and skin conditions for animals.

Helps to treat animal skin conditions such as wounds, lacerations, abscesses, saddle sores, skin allergies and eczema; musculoskeletal problems such as arthritis, tendonitis, overuse injuries and muscle spasms; any area treated surgically, including skin grafts; as well as corneal ulcers, viral-related conditions and sinusitis.

Using light therapy to help strengthen endothelial cells for healthier blood vessels

Endothelial cells line the inside of every blood vessel in the body. They form a…


Light therapy helps to increase cellular ATP content

Adenosine triphosphate, also known as ATP, is a molecule that carries energy within cells. It…


Riana Wiechers, Cape Town

Thirteen years ago I was diagnosed with a degenerating disc in my lumbar spine, the result of an old injury. Yoga helped a lot to strengthen my back muscles and…READ MORE

Celeste Ferreira

I was very sceptical about the Photizo Blush but decided to use it every day for 12 weeks. After two weeks I could see a difference in my skin texture…READ MORE

Commercial model relies on Photizo Skincare to reduce stretchmarks, scarring and pigmentation

Johannesburg-based commercial model and health & fitness trainer – Britt Dercksen – recently gave birth to her first child and has been using the Photizo Skincare unit to assist in…READ MORE

PAIN RELIEF has a color, RED!

Choose to be healthy, pain-free and better! Today I want to praise Photizo for changing my life, to be pain-free, healthy & being better to live life to the fullest!…READ MORE

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