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My son was injured in an accident shortly before his wedding. He sustained several injuries and lacerations to his face, which include eyes which were swollen shut, most of his face was blue, his cheekbone was severely bruised and swollen, and he had a nasty gash on the back of his head. This happened 5 days before his wedding, which you can imagine was quite traumatic. This prompted us to try treating him with the Photizo device, as we were desperate. We could see a marked difference within three days of applying the Photizo. The Friday before his wedding day, he exhibited no more scars or swelling in his face. On the third day of treatment his stitches were removed which had been placed in the gash in his head. He also had a wound inside his mouth which healed completely before the wedding. My wife also has arthritis in her left hand, which we also started treating with Photizo and we saw a marked improvement within the first couple of days. This machine truly is a Godsend to our family.

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