Endothelial cells line the inside of every blood vessel in the body. They form a…

Whether you’re a casual social runner or a serious athlete, suffering from a running-related injury can seriously set back your fitness levels and performance. It can be very frustrating sitting on the sidelines while you wait for your injury to heal.
The Photizo Sport LED device’s red and infrared light therapy will help you to reduce the pain associated with non-chronic running-related injuries such as:
- Hamstring strain
- Knee strain
- Costochondral sprain
- Ankle sprain.
How will light therapy help treat running injuries?
One of the most important mechanisms of action for light therapy is the release of nitric oxide (NO). A naturally occurring chemical in the body, nitric oxide is a key signalling molecule which can set off a number of beneficial effects. Most notably, it has a critical role in promoting blood flow to tissues and increasing lymphatic drainage. Through the increase in lymphatic drainage, light therapy indirectly inhibits inflammation processes and thus reduces swelling.
Red and infrared light therapy is a non-invasive treatment that stimulates the body’s own healing mechanisms through both molecular signalling and circulatory modulation, thereby helping to reduce non-chronic or acute pain associated with running injuries. Once the LED light has increased the cell’s energy production, each cell within the treated area begins producing new cells to replace the cells of the injured tissue.
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