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Six weeks posterior total hip replacement

The photograph on the left shows my scar 2 weeks post-op when staples came out. The photograph on the right shows my scar 6 weeks post-op. I was not allowed to use any motions or potions until the surgeon gave the go-ahead at check-up. So, by only using my Photizo Sport it helped with my scar and swelling went down in just a few days, and no bruising given that I bruise very easily. It even helped with the allergic reaction I had from the plaster which was sorted out in about 3 days. The results were absolutely amazing.

Photizo Light Therapy treatment for maternity conditions – wound care and breast care

I am a qualified physiotherapist who has been in practice for 17 years. One of my fields of interest during these years was women’s health. I worked in a hospital environment together with gynaecologists and also with various pre- and postnatal maternity groups. I also treated many patients in my private practice throughout the years.

I often gave talks on breastfeeding, breastfeeding complications and wound care. Photizo Light Therapy has replaced all other equipment I used previously to treat cracked nipples and assist with wound healing in my practice.

Cracked nipples is a condition that occurs during breastfeeding due to the mechanical wear and tear that occurs during the strong suctioning of the baby and different ways of latching during breastfeeding. One of Photizo Light‘s benefits is wound healing and because of this, I saw great results treating cracked nipples and Caesarean sections post-operatively.

The Photizo Light will not only promote quicker healing and repair of tissue that has formed micro-tears due to the frequent wear and tear of breastfeeding, but it will also promote the healing process of a caesarean cut. Because Photizo Light enhances blood circulation it carries more oxygen to the affected tissue and the oxygen assists in the healing process of scars. Cell repair and regeneration happens.

Photizo Light is most effective when used on ‘fresh’ wounds, meaning wounds that are 1-6 week old. Wounds older than 6 weeks form more scarring that becomes difficult for the light to break down. Although results have been seen on older scars, it is advised to use Photizo as early as possible while the scar is busy forming and not yet fully formed because then the light can break down and re-align the fibrin and collagen threads that form scars and heal them properly while they form.

Due to this re-alignment of fibrin and collagen fibres in scar tissue, the wound tissue also becomes more elastic and movement of the scar and surrounding muscles is improved. Therefore patients tend not to experience any pulling sensation on their scars post-operatively during daily activities like going to the gym etc.

When one looks at a scar it is always made up of very strong connective tissue. The fibrin threads of scars crisscross to make the scar very strong, but this is inclined to produce a raised effect which is cosmetically not desirable. Photizo Light realigns these connective tissue threads and the result is that the wound remains strong but cosmetically appears much better than it would have.

Some people tend to form keloid scarring. This scarring is very difficult to treat due to the genetic component. I have treated many patients in my practice with keloid scarring and the results will never be the same as someone who is not prone to keloid scars. Having said this though, there have still been slight improvements and most keloid patients were happy with even a 50% improvement.

I use the Photizo Physiotherapy device aimed at professionals and which is used in many physiotherapy practices. Similarly, the personal use units make it easy for self-treatment in the comfort of your own home. It is easy to use and very safe to use. The benefit of daily treatments also enhances the healing process of cracked nipples and Caesarean wounds. This will make the whole process of breastfeeding much more comfortable and pain-free. Cracked nipples are very painful and negatively affect the breastfeeding process for any mommy who would love to breastfeed. Photizo helps with this and it also helps with the healing of the caesarean cut, the elasticity of the wound and the cosmetic appearance of the wound.

The good news is Photizo Light is very safe and cannot cause any harm. It benefits most conditions and achieves wonderful results and produces happy patients!

Femke Moodie Physiotherapist

(Registered at HPCSA)

Pr No. 072 000 0093645


Celeste Ferreira

I was very sceptical about the Photizo Blush but decided to use it every day for 12 weeks. After two weeks I could see a difference in my skin texture and the wrinkles around my eyes also softened and my pigmentation was lighter. I had some toothache during the time I used it for my skin, and it assisted with the pain as well.


Commercial model relies on Photizo Skincare to reduce stretchmarks, scarring and pigmentation

Johannesburg-based commercial model and health & fitness trainer – Britt Dercksen – recently gave birth to her first child and has been using the Photizo Skincare unit to assist in the reduction of pregnancy stretch marks and in the healing of her caesarian scar.

“I previously owned a Photizo Skincare unit but in the move to a new house, it was misplaced. I was devastated, to say the least. I was thrilled when the unit’s manufacturers provide me with a new Photizo Skincare unit to use on my post-pregnancy body,” says Britt.

Following a nightly regime of treating her ‘problem’ areas just two weeks after giving birth, Britt says that she would recommend the unit for any new mothers with C-section scars or stretch marks, or in fact anyone with pigmentation problems.

“Photizo Skincare – what would I do without you? The unit has helped me immensely with the healing process of my C-section scar, has reduced my pain levels and has drastically reduced my pigmentation. My skin is more radiant than ever. The Photizo Skincare is extremely user-friendly, easy to understand and very practical. A great asset in my beauty arsenal!”

Commercial model relies on Photizo Skincare to reduce stretchmarks, scarring and pigmentation

Johannesburg-based commercial model and health & fitness trainer – Britt Dercksen – recently gave birth to her first child and has been using the Photizo Skincare unit to assist in the reduction of pregnancy stretch marks and in the healing of her caesarian scar.

“I previously owned a Photizo Skincare unit but in the move to a new house, it was misplaced. I was devastated, to say the least. I was thrilled when the unit’s manufacturers provide me with a new Photizo Skincare unit to use on my post-pregnancy body,” says Britt.

Following a nightly regime of treating her ‘problem’ areas just two weeks after giving birth, Britt says that she would recommend the unit for any new mothers with C-section scars or stretch marks, or in fact anyone with pigmentation problems.

“Photizo Skincare – what would I do without you? The unit has helped me immensely with the healing process of my C-section scar, has reduced my pain levels and has drastically reduced my pigmentation. My skin is more radiant than ever. The Photizo Skincare is extremely user-friendly, easy to understand and very practical. A great asset in my beauty arsenal!”

Zelda Becker

I was involved in a motor vehicle accident and sustained a quite severe concussion as well as back and neck muscle injuries. I’ve treated all my injuries with the Photizo with amazing results. My headaches, back and neck pain quickly and greatly improved with treatment, and I was surprised to notice that the bruisings that I’ve also treated disappeared within a few days.

The Photizo is my “go- to” treatment for all kinds of aches and pains, like sinusitis, toothache, and even occasional nausea!

Thank you for a great product!

Pascal Van Waeyenberghe

I have been using conventional light therapy for over three years in my home care practice and for the past 6 months, I have been testing the Photizo® device. I found that light therapy does not always work for all wounds, but the Photizo® device is a great step forward for wound care, especially in home care situations. It is portable, easy to use and in the cases where I used it, I could notice much faster healing (up to 5 times) compared with the other light therapy device. I was able to heal wounds that were treated before with high tech dressings for many months without success. The doctors and patients were impressed with the fast and lasting success of the Photizo® device.

Christa Taute

The patient, Ms J.E. Taute, has been bedridden for the past four years. She has had a large pressure sore on her back for the past 8 months which was unresponsive to any treatments that were currently available. Before starting Photizo treatment, the wound was 30 mm long x 40 mm wide x 30 mm deep. The wound immediately (within a day or two) started closing and was highly responsive to the light therapy. Within several days it had shrunken to 10 mm long x 5 mm wide x 0.5 mm deep. The wound will probably close within the next couple of days and it looks much healthier than previously.

Dat Brits

My son was injured in an accident shortly before his wedding. He sustained several injuries and lacerations to his face, which include eyes which were swollen shut, most of his face was blue, his cheekbone was severely bruised and swollen, and he had a nasty gash on the back of his head. This happened 5 days before his wedding, which you can imagine was quite traumatic. This prompted us to try treating him with the Photizo device, as we were desperate. We could see a marked difference within three days of applying the Photizo. The Friday before his wedding day, he exhibited no more scars or swelling in his face. On the third day of treatment his stitches were removed which had been placed in the gash in his head. He also had a wound inside his mouth which healed completely before the wedding. My wife also has arthritis in her left hand, which we also started treating with Photizo and we saw a marked improvement within the first couple of days. This machine truly is a Godsend to our family.


I am a quadriplegic and a nasty pressure sore developed in April 2005. My nurse tried all sorts of treatments, including putting me on a machine to try and close the wound. After several months, she recommended that I should see a Surgeon. As surgery is NOT an option for me personally, I made contact with a Physiotherapist, who did laser therapy on the wound twice a week. The wound slowly started to heal. She then found out about the Photizo machine and in July 2006, I started using light therapy once a day. The results have been fantastic as in 2 months the wound has closed from 5 cm x 4 cm and 5 cm deep (the bone was exposed) to 2 cm x 1.5 cm with the depth varying between 1 mm to .7 mm in the undermined area of the wound. I have also found the Photizo excellent in preventing potential pressure sores from developing.

Leandra Moolman Somatologist

As a Somatologist (beauty therapist) working with the Photizo for the past two months, I was impressed by its user-friendliness, quick results, client satisfaction, and cost efficiency. Our salon treatment quality has entered a new dimension! Obtaining good results in less time guarantees the client’s satisfaction.

Larette Roesch Massage Therapist

I am a Therapeutic Massage and Reflexology therapist and am currently using the Photizo® in my practice. The results of the Photizo® treatments I’m experiencing are amazingly effective and fast. Photizo® enables me to obtain superior results not previously possible.

Some of the results that the Photizo® enabled me to obtain in my patients are as follows:


  • 2 sessions of treating an infected burn wound (gas burner), the infection cleared, and the wound is progressing fast, towards total healing
  • 1 session of treating stomach pain, caused by stress, the pain was gone
    1 session of treating a blocked sinus problem, the patient experienced relief
  • 3 sessions treating the pain of arthritic fingers, the patient felt better and she was able to move her fingers without pain
  • 1 session of treating gout in a patient’s knee, the swelling subsided, and it was less painful. – 1 session of treating a small burn on a finger (caused by a hot plate) it healed within 24hours
  • 1 session of treating a small child’s headache the pain disappeared
  • 1 session of treating a patient’s injured shoulder, the shoulder improved dramatically
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