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Vanessa Fourie

I decided to try the Photizo Blush for the fine lines and dark circles around my eyes. At that time I was also bitten by some type of insect or spider on the tip of my nose. This left me with a bad sore and afterwards with a horrible red mark. I used the Photizo Blush every night and after two weeks the red spot on my nose was almost unnoticeable. After 8 weeks it was completely gone. Thanks to the Photizo Blush! It is a very easy and fast treatment that only takes less than 5 minutes at a time.


Ek was opgewonde tog skepties om die Photizo produk te gebruik aangesien daar so baie soortgelyke tipe produkte is. Tog wou ek dit n billike kans gee aangesien ek gesien het terwyl my niggie dit gebruik dat dit baie gebruikersvriendelik is. Na 2 weke se gebruik kon ek agterkom dat my vel se tekstuur verander het. Na 6 weke is dit asof my pigmentasie versag het. Die pofferigheid onder my oë is selfs minder geswel. Ek sal defnitief aanhou om die produk te gebruik. Ek voel baie tevrede.

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